大堡礁非常美丽,那是我心心念念想再去一趟的地方。帅哥用大堡礁写了一篇雅思口语Part2答案,题目是describe a place far away from your home,大家学习!一定注意题目中的would!
Describe a place far away from your home that you would like to travel to
you should say
where you would like to go
how you would go there
what you would do there
and explain why you would like to travel there
Well, I would like to go on vacation to Australia, to be precise, to the Great Barrier Reef area. The Great Barrier Reef is one of the world's seven natural wonders. So many people have the dream of visiting there, and um ... actually, a few people around me have been there before and they’ve showed me some of the stunning photographs they took, which made me want to visit it myself even more.
If I went there, I would absolutely take the plane because it’s such a far-off destination. Once I got there, I suppose I would rent a small aircraft to fly over the Great Barrier Reef in order to see the most spectacular scenery of the place. This is exactly what my English teacher did and he sort of inspired me to do it myself too.
What I would do there ... um ... just looking at the scenery would be what I would do coz it’s breathtakingly beautiful there. I’m sure I would be busy taking pictures and even shooting videos of whatever I would see. Oh, as far as I know, it would be possible for me to go snorkeling there. I believe it would feel amazing.
I would like to visit the Great Barrier Reef mainly because of its beauty. I’m someone that is drawn to places that are picturesque and so I would absolutely not miss this gorgeous place.
题目中有would/would like to,这是一道“虚拟语气”题目,当我们在回答中提到“想要...”的时候,需要使用虚拟语气(对未来的虚拟,动词使用过去时)——would/would like ..., if I did/could ...
go on vacation/holiday 去度假
to be precise 准确地说
Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁
world’s natural wonders 世界自然奇迹
stunning=spectacular=breathtaking 美丽到令人惊叹的
picturesque 美如画的
far-off 遥远的
inspire sb 给某人灵感、启发某人
shoot videos 拍视频
go snorkeling 去浮潜
be drawn to ... 被...吸引